On creativity and blogging

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since we’ve been posting anything for AEDM or just for fun.  And that was the whole clue: it wasn’t fun anymore -so we took a step back for reflection.  What happened without AEDM and without blogging?

Well, we kept on creating everyday but feeling more free, it was like taking a deep breath of crisp autumn air under a clear blue sky, noticing the beautiful hues of the leaves around us as if for the first time.

Participating in AEDM brought us closer together by identifying ourselves as a creative family, we never realized we did so much creative stuff day by day.

Only, blogging about it takes up a looootta time, as you guys probably know 😉  That is, a lot of MY time, coz the sweet Norah of course kept on creating happily while I was getting too late into bed because of the whole writing and taking pictures and uploading process.  And then began the visiting of the blogs of fellow creatives, one of the reasons that AEDM is such fun, the looking around and meeting like-minded souls, so fascinating that it kept me up well past midnight. And then…Little Bro wakes up at 6am…every day.  To make a long story short: in the end I was creating less with my daughter, playing less with my son, getting cranky with everyone and the whole thing was out of balance.

And also, while it has been such a pleasure and honour to get in touch with the beautiful few who keep linking on Leah’s website, I really miss the good times where there were like a 100 links to click and a 100 souls to meet.  It makes me sad in a way.

But okay, we have to get by in this facebook-ruled era without complaining too much or getting lost in nostalgia.  After all, we are to create our own magic world in whatever epoch we are dropped into.

We didn’t feel like ditching the whole thing altogether so there’ll be a weekly instead of a daily post from now on!!! That way we have the space and the fresh air to create while still sharing with the world and meeting beautiful creative souls, like you!

Thank you so much for visiting and supporting us!! We keep in touch!

Lots of love,

Nelly and Norah and the whole family


PS I just hàd to share these awesome creatures Norah made up today! They have names too but I forgot, got to ask Norah when she gets back home!

5 gedachtes over “On creativity and blogging

  1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth zegt:

    You are right that blogging and writing posts, taking photos, and adding them to your blog takes a LOT of time. It was great that you took a step back and did the things that made yu happy, rather than what might be expected, especially if you joined a challenge.


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